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IB Memory

The IB is a real challenge that fortunately I have been able to succeed in and I'm proud of all my accomplishments in the matter. Because what I have accomplished wasn't easy at all and involved many people and memories, this section will remember those moments and thank the people who supported me throughout the whole experience. 

First of all, I would like to thank my family. My parents and my sister are the human beings that are always there for me and have supported me throughout all my life. They have been with me when times were extremely difficult, looked impossible and when I was about to give up. They have as well been with me in all my success, celebrating with me and being proud of my achievements. My family has been with me late at nights, in the early mornings and always without doubt helping be with everything. My family is one of the main reasons I have succeed throughout the different areas of my school life and I'm the most fortunate to be part of their life, from my heart, thanks for everything!

As well I would like to thank my aunts and grandparents that have always been part of my journey and have supported me when times were hard. They have applauded me with all my success and have always encourage me to pursuit my dreams and my goals. 

I want to thank my girlfriend as well for all the support I have had from her. She gave me a smile at all times and we have the best time together. Thanks for always being for me when times were hard and always pushing me forward, I'm extremely grateful for everything you have done for me. 

Next, I want to thank my generation which as a group we have always supported each other, specially in this time. Some of us have come together through a long way and I'm grateful for being part of your lifes. 

I want to thank my close friends as well for all the great adventures and all the support we have had together, you have been my brothers throughout my school life and have made my academic life much more interesting. Thanks for all the experiences, all the laughs, the support, the trips and everything you have done for me. 

As well, I would like to thank my basketball team. Throughout High School we have had different versions of the Peterson Vikings, but through all the years, my team has been very special for me. It has been an honor to be the captain of this team for that many years and my teammates have become more than brothers to me. They have supported me throughout my career as a basketball player and specially when I was injured and I needed them. Thanks for everything and you will always be a part of me. 

Last but not least, I would like to thank my teachers. Without you my academic success would not be possible. Thanks for the importance you gave to your lessons and your love for teaching and making people be better humans. Thanks for the feedback you gave me and the life lessons that you made me learn through you classes. I'm honored to be your student and I'm really thankful for all you have taught me. 

Thanks to everyone that has been part of my academic life in a way or another, below are some pictures for you to enjoy from my last school years, thanks!

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