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Français AB Initio

Bonjour tout le monde! Welcome to my French portfolio section. This class in particular was one that created the most challenges for myself. I'm a person who has trouble and difficulty learning other languages, that's why this class wasn't easy at all. On the other hand, through different activities, challenges and games, this class helped improve my cognitive skills and have a basic level of french, allowing me to have a mindful conversation in this language. This subject is the one were I learned the most. French has always been a fantastic language to learn and one that can open many doors, therefore by having this language in my arsenal, I will expand my capabilities a lot. I'm extremely proud for all the progress that I made in this subject and I'm looking forward to continue learning this language. Next, you will find some of my best work on the subject. 

"To have another language is to possess a second soul."


Individual Oral Commentary

This Individual Oral Commentary is the assessment required by de IB for the French subject. The commentary consists in describing an image for two minutes and then having a proper conversation about different themes and areas with the teacher. This is a very challenging assessment to perform, given that it has to be a proper conversation in french for about ten minutes. To perform for this assessment is why we prepare in french class, and because of how proud I am of this work, is why I will talk about it. This assessment was performed with the IB skill of communicators, to further know about this watch the next video. Below the video is the actual Individual Oral Commentary.

Sebas-oral finale français 12e (2021-02
00:00 / 10:19

Mock Exam

This Mock Exam was the last challenge that we had from the IB. The Mock Exam is a practice IB exam that helps students prepare for the real exams. Given that IB exams were canceled, this exam was the biggest challenge for students and counted a very large percentage of the bimester grade. This was a difficult exam that included all the french we learned for two years. From this exam, I got a grade that I'm really proud of, applying the IB skill of thinkers. To further know about this check the next presentation.

Le Bizarre Video

This project consisted in making fun french videos as the last part of our classwork. This videos were completely free and the ideas made were hilarious and really creative. I liked this project because it was fun to perform it and because of its freedom, the videos were very creative. As well, we were able to apply the french we had learned in a fantastic creative way. To perform this work the IB skill of balanced, was used. To further know about this, listen the next podcast. 

Le Bizarre Video Portfolio
00:00 / 03:37
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