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Applications and Interpretations

Applications and Interpretations is a math class from the IB, which has a specific approach, leading to learning the same topics but with different methods. I personally do not like math, however this class and because the way that the teacher gave it, was really interesting. Although math isn't my favorite concept, I really enjoyed learning in this class. Applications and Interpretations was a class that challenged myself in a unique way, it taught me math but in a way that was easy to apply to the real world. This way I understood the importance of each math concept and how it would help me later on in life or in a specific situation. There are different works that express my enjoyment and understanding of this class; scroll down to explore them.

Applications and Interpretations: Text

“Mathematics expresses values that reflect the cosmos, including orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty.”

Deepak Chopra

Applications and Interpretations: Quote

Internal Assessment

The Internal Assessment is the mandatory project that the IB requires from each subject. In this case, the Internal Assessment could be done about anything, following certain requirements that involved math. Given this, I combined one of my favorite things, the NBA with the predisposed mathematics needed for the assessment. Through the process of this assessment I faced several challenges that I learned to overcome, one of this was data collection and process. This phase involved the IB skill of inquiry; to further know about this, watch the next video. As well, my IA is attached.

Mock Exam

The Mock Exam was the final challenge that we as students had on this subject. It consisted in two papers which one included short answers and the other one long and more complex answers. The questions in the exam were difficult and had a sufficient length that made the questions tedious and stressing. As a matter of fact, I didn't finished completely both exams, I missed a couple of questions, but even though I got a pretty good grade. To manage this efficiency I had to use the IB skill of principled. To further know about this, listen the next podcast.

Math Mock Portfolio Podcast
00:00 / 03:37

Voronoi Project

The Voronoi Project was the last project we had for this subject. This project consisted in three phases that helped complete the project in a very efficient way. Before starting the project, we learned about Voronoi Diagrams and their functions in many areas of expertise. Then, as a team of three we started completing and making a Voronoi Diagram using our houses and an extra point as the sites. We plotted all data on Desmos and when the diagram was completed we wrote and individual report on the process. To manage this project the IB skill used was reflective. To further know about this, watch the next video. Attached in my written report.

Applications and Interpretations: Video
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